I'm sure Ms. Davids will vote as her handlers tell her to vote. She might even vote "NO" on increased government spending ..., especially if it is doomed to fail. That could be used in her 2026 re-election campaign!

I realize what I am going to say will upset many, but someone needs to tell the truth. Neither major political party wants less spending. Spending is how those in both parties payback those who (s)elected them and supported them, and it leads to being (s)elected and supported in their next elections. How can the "swamp" or "Deep State" be eliminated when it is the swamp and Deep State that (s)elects and supports those who are (s)elected in Primary and General elections?

The Demoncrats enjoy increasing taxes on everyone, except those at the top of the food chain. The GOP (Globalist Owned Predators) enjoys decreasing tax rates ..., "balanced" with reductions in tax deductions. This happened under Reagan and Trump. I need to see what happened under GHWB (who broke his promise of "no new taxes"), and Dub to see if they followed the GOP template. One thing Dub championed was amnesty for those in the U. S., illegally!

The GOP "balancing" act rarely leads to individuals and couples paying less in taxes ..., unless he/she/they are atop the food chain. If more people did their own taxes, they would realize that those lost deductions have offset the lower tax rates. Taxpayers need to read between the lies from both major political parties!

Continuing Resolutions not only allow for malfeasance, they encourage it. What is the difference between Nazi Pelosi and Boehner, Ryan, McCarthy, and Johnson? Aside from party affiliation, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! There is so much that should be itemized that would expose the lies and malfeasance practiced, daily, by those in government, at all levels. We truly have a "Uniparty," whether partisans want to admit it, or not!

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You have a point: "Neither major political party wants less spending."

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I don't like saying that, but I just look at what has happened with spending, regardless of which political party is "in power."

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