Earl, does the GOP have any such organizations to reach out to potential voters? If not, why not? If it does, are they as effective as these organizations appear to be? Looking at this situation as a believer in a uniparty political system, if the GOP does not have competing organizations, I believe this whole situation is by design.

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This is outside the Democratic party: VPC/CVI are nonprofits that file IRS 990 reports in support of their nonprofit status.

AFAIK, there are no groups on the right doing anything like this.

Charlie Kirk's Turning Point is probably the best effort on the right to register voters and to GOTV.

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I was thinking outside of the party, in spite of what I posted. I was thinking of how the Mainstream Coalition, or whatever that may have morphed into, has done to politics on the local level. The NEJCC (Northeast Johnson County Conservatives) is basically a Republican organization that attempts to overcome the dominant, non-Republican Republican wing of the GOP. The NEJCC is fighting a three-front war, against the Democrats, the Mainstream Coalition, and the Republican Party. Kansas may be a "Red" state, but it is Red as in Communist Red, not Republican Red.

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