Soros' nonprofits laundered $444 million through Arabella/Tides/NEO "dark money" and other philanthropies from 2016 to 2023
Are grants for $910 million missing in the online database for 2023 alone?
Part 4 of 4

This is the fourth article in a series about George Soros’ nonprofits using online grant data updated late last year. The first three articles looked at the recently-released 2023 data. This article looks at impact over all the years of the released data, 2016-2023. See links to previous articles at bottom.
Over $7.2 billion in almost 20,000 grants flowed from the six George Soros nonprofits in Open Society Foundations to 6600 progressive organizations from 2016 through 2023 according to its own OSF online “Awarded Grants” database.
The totals of the online grants for 2023 are about $910 million less than the totals of grants reported in IRS 990 tax filings. What might explain this huge discrepancy between the self-reported online grants database and the official IRS 990 tax filings?
Grants to dark money, philanthropies?
Why do Soros’ nonprofits give grants to other nonprofits that give grants? Obfuscation?
From 2016 to 2023 Soros’ nonprofits gave huge grants to groups considered “dark money” sources So, Soros is a large funder of “dark money,” but there are many others.
The table below show the number of grants and total amounts to certain nonprofits. The “Regions” column shows combinations of targeted regions specified in the original grants.
The next five tables represent 594 grants given from 2016-2023 that totaled $444,947,366.
Arabella Advisors
NEO Philanthropy
Rockefeller family
Election-related grants
Many of the Soros grants go to election-related activities to control elections nationally or in specific states through civic engagement, voter engagement, voter registration, voter targeting.
The claim is always made these are “non-partisan” activities, but when the target audience is not the whole population, the goal of biased, left-leaning results is achieved.
Also see the #3 OSF Grant Recipient below: Democracy PAC, $100,500,000.
Grants by Soros nonprofits
Summary of total OSF grant amounts by year from 2016 through 2023 by Soros nonprofit funder:
Grants without specified funder in online “Awarded Grants” database:
In 2023 there were 166 grants reported online totaling $28,771,755 without a specified funder. (“MISSING” in the table above).
Overall from 2016 through 2023 there were 5017 grants totaling $485,806,188 without a specified funder.
It’s unclear how additional information can be learned about grants missing a funder.
Grant counts and amounts by funder in 2023 with notes about consistency of grant amounts reported in IRS 990s from 2023:
Alliance for Open Society International Inc, EIN 81-0623035. 501(c)(3). New York City. Formed in 2003, incorporated in Delaware. OSF data says 118 grants were given in 2023 totaling $29,194,693. The 2023 IRS 990 says $29,560,015 for “grants and similar amounts paid.” Discrepancy: $365,322 more reported in IRS 990 than online.
Foundation to Promote Open Society, EIN 26-3753801. 501(c)(3) - Private Foundation. New York City. Grantmaking foundation funded by Soros. In 2023 gave 1147 grants totaling $614,506,535. The 2023 IRS 990-PF says $758,388,806 for “contributions, gifts, grants paid.” Discrepancy: $143,882,271 more reported in IRS 990 than online.
Fund for Policy Reform Inc, EIN 26-4351242, 501(c)(4). New York City. Formed in 2009, incorporated in Delaware. Advocacy nonprofit funded by George Soros. In 2023 gave 10 grants totaling $19,406,393. The 2023 IRS 990 says $349,849,159 for “grants and similar amounts” with a breakdown of $262,250,00 for “domestic organizations and domestic governments,” $1380 to “domestic individuals,” and $87,597,779 for “grants and assistance to foreign organizations, foreign governments, and foreign individuals.” Huge discrepancy: $330,442,766 more reported in IRS 990 than online.
Open Society Policy Center (2016-2022) renamed Open Society Action Fund (2023), EIN 52-2028955. 501(c)(4). New York City. Formed 1997 in Washington, DC. Lobbying group for philanthropic efforts of Soros. In 2023 gave 455 grants totaling $277,587,483. The 2023 IRS 990 says $239,928,927 for “grants and similar amounts” with $186,414,119 for “domestic organizations” and $53,514,808 for “foreign.” Discrepancy: $37,658,556 more reported online than in IRS 990.
Open Society Institute (aka Open Society Foundations), EIN 13-7029285. 501(c)(3)-Private Foundation. New York City. Grantmaking foundation created and funded by Soros. In 2023 gave 264 grants totaling $123,187,553. The IRS 990-PF says $269,257,188 is the “disbursements for charitable purposes (cash basis only)” for “contributions, gifts, grants paid.” Discrepancy: $146,069,635 more reported in IRS 990 than online.
Fund for Policy Reform (Trust), EIN 35-7090597. 501(c)(4). Wilmington, DE. Formed in 2015, incorporated in Delaware. Grants only reported in online data in 2020 and 2022. IRS 990 for 2023 says “grants and similar amounts paid” was $327,000,000. Huge Discrepancy: $327,000,000 more in IRS 990 than online.
These reporting discrepancies need further research.
The Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation [EIN 80-0464952] is not formally part of OSF. This Foundation has $256 million in assets but only made $6.3 million in “contributions, gifts, grants paid” in 2023 according to their IRS 990 filing.
Open Society Foundation Grants, 2016-2023
Top 25 OSF Grants, 2016-2023
Recipients of OSF Grants, 2016-2023
Top 15 OSF Grant Recipients, 2016-2023
Part 1 of 4
Part 2 of 4
Part 3 of 4
A year ago