Soros gave his nonprofits worldwide over $6.1 billion from 2016 to 2022
17,590 grants to 6039 recipients
Last month George Soros’ Open Society Foundations updated their online grants database to include grants from 2022.
The database gives details of 17,590 grants that total $6.1 billion from 2016 through 2022 spread worldwide. Our recent article gave details of the 1991 grants to 1577 nonprofits in 2022.
This article explores grant statistics over all years 2016-2022 with a breakdown by four geographic regions.

Open Society Nonprofit Network
Grant counts and amounts by funder from 2016 through 2022:
Foundation to Promote Open Society, EIN 26-3753801. 501(c)(3)-PF. New York City. 7859 grants totaling $2.661 billion. Grantmaking foundation funded by George Soros.
Open Society Institute (aka Open Society Foundations), EIN 13-7029285. 501(c)(3)-PF. New York City. 1968 grants totaling $1.995 billion. Grantmaking foundation created and funded by George Soros.
Open Society Policy Center, EIN 52-2028955. 501(c)(4). New York City. 2330 grants totaling $788 million. Lobbying group for philanthropic efforts of George Soros.
Missing, 4851 grants totaling $457 million. See below — grants made by independent European members of OSF.
Fund for Policy Reform (Trust), EIN 35-7090597. 501(c)(4). Wilmington, DE. 3 grants totaling $101 million, 2020 and 2022 only.
Alliance for Open Society International (dba Open Society Institute - Baltimore), EIN 81-0623035. 501(c)(3). New York City. 501 grants totaling $74 million.
Fund for Policy Reform Inc, EIN 26-4351242, 501(c)(4), 78 grants totaling $55 million. Advocacy nonprofit funded by George Soros.
Funder: The funder is the legal entity that authorizes and makes the grant. For US funder entities, we list the specific entity to ensure compliance with U.S. law; where not listed, the grant has been made by independent European members of the Open Society Foundations network. Each legal entity has a fiduciary board that exercises its own legal responsibilities. Open Society Foundations, About Our Awarded Grants.
Grants by Region
OSF gives this explanation for the regions given with each grant:
There are seven broad geographic regions where we work. The region associated with a grant reflects the geographic area served by the grant and not necessarily where the grantee is based.
Aggregating data by region is complicated by many grants being assigned to more than one region.
From 2016 through 2022 grants were assigned to nearly 80 different combinations of these seven regions.
To simplify analysis from a US perspective, grants were assigned to the US/North American region first if those regions appeared in any of the combinations. Next grants were assigned to the Global region, and so on, as shown in the table below.

Grant Totals by Year and Region
Grant totals for the US/North America and Europe/Central Asia regions were lower in 2022 than 2021, but higher in the other two regions.
Amounts Per Grant by Year and Region
In general, the OSF amount per grant for all regions has been trending higher since 2016.

Grant Amounts by Funder

Top 25 OSF Grants from 2016 to 2022
The top six grants were to Central European University in Vienna, Austria and Bard College in Annandale-On-Hudson, NY. Each of these educational grants was over $100 million with a total of over $1.6 billion.
In 2020 George Soros announced his new university network with CEU as the founding partner. Bard College announced its $500 million grant from Soros in 2021.
A $70 million grant to Democracy PAC in 2021 was a down-payment on the $125 million Soros dumped into super PACs before the midterms last year according to Politico. Soros created a Democracy PAC II to pump even more money to progressive candidates and causes.
Is America Votes one reason Joe Biden campaigned little in 2020 and so far this year? In 2021 Soros granted nearly $24 million to America Votes, which is “a diverse community of over 400 partner organizations at the national, state, and local levels.
Research, analyze, aggregate the 17,590 Soros grants worldwide in this Excel file:
Research, analyze, aggregate the 4,712 Soros grant in the US/North America in this Excel file:
Top 20 Grant Recipients
The 17,590 Open Society Foundations grants were given to 6,039 recipients. The top 20 are shown here:
In his top 20 grant recipients Soros is funding “dark money” sources including Arabella Advisors’ Sixteen Thirty Fund and New Venture Fund, and philanthropies, NEO Philanthropy, Tides Advocacy, Borealis Philanthropy and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.
Research, analyze, aggregate the 6,039 Soros grant recipients in this Excel file:
Research, analyze, aggregate the 1,618 Soros grant recipients in the US/North America in this Excel file:
George Soros’ foundation will spend $50 million on increasing Gen Z, female civic engagement, AP, Thalia Beaty, Dec. 6, 2023.
How Dark-Money Megadonor George Soros Hides Behind ‘Democracy’ PACs To Sabotage It, The Federalist, Seamus Bruner, Nov. 15, 2023.
George Soros’ Open Society Foundations to lay off 40% of staff under son’s new leadership, AP, Thalia Beaty, July 6, 2023.
George Soros Hands Control to His 37-Year-Old Son: ‘I’m More Political’, Wall Street Journal, Gregory Zuckerman, June 11, 2023.
The linked Federalist article is very enlightening.